Human translation is performed by a person in an automated cloud system, a CAT tool. This may involve translation of a pulse oximeter manual, a service agreement, an annual accounting report, an article on niobium nitride superconducting films, or a letter to investors.
MT post-editing is another type of translation which is performed by a machine engine and edited by a human being.
To perform a translation, we upload the source document into our system and assign it to translators of the required language pair and appropriate specialisation. After the translation is done, the text is checked by the project manager and proofread by the editor.
Learn moreYes, we provide a discount on cross-file repetitions inside documents. In some cases, this allows for savings of up to 15% of the project cost.
We work with texts on the most diverse range of topics.
So, if you need to translate the instruction manual for a cod end winch, we assign a translator specialising in "Technical Translation" and "Maritime and Shipping Translations". If you need to translate a press release, we assign a translator who can perform a marketing translation or transcreation.
Any translation is proofread to make sure it contains no no typos and semantic errors. Proofreading and language check are pre-included in the price.
Editing involves in-depth work with spelling, punctuation and grammar, as well as stylistics, terminology, and sentence structure. If you need to prepare a text for publication on a website or in a magazine, we recommend ordering the additional editing and proofreading services.